Large/Complex Matters

Solutions for every stage of multi-party litigation
legal technology

Complex Litigation

Whether the complexity of your matter is due to great volumes of data or the case has multiple parties or is a cross border/multi jurisidictional matter; we can help.

icourts navigates the procedural complexity and often detailed and extensive discovery requirements with ease.


Additional layers of data, geographical disbursement and often multiple languages provide a challenging environment to organise and review evidence.

icourts can assist you with every stage of your large & complex matter.


Forensic investigation & data capture


Evidence Management

eDiscovery PlatformsRelativityOne & Nuix Discover

Custom Development Solutions

eCourts & digital arbitration

Identify, investigate and capture multiple unique data sources

Access next-generation software with expert consultation, security & customisation

Automate tasks for accurate & efficient output

Need us for your next project

Talk to one of our team to find out how we can help with your next project.

Get in Touch
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ISO 9001 ISO 9001
Nuix Discover Nuix Discover
ISO 27001 ISO 27001
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